Hey what’s up!
I forgot to write last week so I’m gonna split this one in two!

Week 1 - 25/8 - 31/8

Ooookay what was I doing…
The week was pretty quiet aside from work, I picked up some Steely Dan song books which I’m looking forward to learning to play. I sing Deacon Blues all the time so It’ll be neat to be able to play it eventually. Anyways, on Sunday I started studying Dad Feels’ music. I ranked my five favourite songs which are:

  1. Diane
  2. Dad Bod
  3. Dad Feels Good
  4. Cant Be Stopped
  5. True Value

And then I studied em all! I wanted to work out what turns a HOME song into a Dad Feels song, so I looked at the way the instrumentals were chopped and arranged, and then I wanted to figure out what makes a HOME song suitable for a Dad Feels song. HOME has loads of songs and they can vary a bit. It made for a fun Sunday, Dad Feels’ songs are really playful and I love singing and dancing along. Awesome Sauce.

The week after that was FUN!
On Monday I saw a band called Snail Mail at a local venue. I’d seen their performance on Audiotree Live years ago, so it was great to finally see them in person, and their performance was great too!

On Tuesday I saw a band called Future Islands at another local venue. These guys are kinda big, they’ve been in my rotation for a long time, and again it was awesome to finally see them IRL. This one was a lot of fun and the singer Sam puts on quite a show. I bought tees from both of these shows to remember em by.

Wednesday and Thursday was more ordinary, I needed a bit of a rest after the two gigs.

Week 2 - 31/8 - 7/9

On Friday I went canoeing with people from work. this was so fun! I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, I just kinda had it in my head that I couldn’t do things for ages. And I’ve broken that mentality recently.

On Saturday I went for a long walk to all of my favourite spots around the city and took loads of photos, here’s a video from one spot.

I’m not really sure where Sunday went, I was probably playing Minecraft, I’ve been doing that lately. On Monday I continued studying HOME + Dad Feels and trying to make a song. This one is tricky but I feel like I’m slowly making progress. And that’s pretty much where the rest of the week has gone so far, Minecraft and Music.

Oh Oh! How could I forget- Yesterday I bought myself a LomoApparat Film Camera! This is part of an effort to ditch my smart phone, and this is meant to replace the camera. This will be part of my every day carry now. I don’t have any photos to show yet, I’ve got 36 shots on this film and then I’ll get it developed and printed- but this camera is really cool. It has lenses and filters and multi-exposure and long-exposure. I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this.

Anyways today I’m going to visit my bro, I’m writing this on the train. Haven’t seen him in ages, so I’m pretty excited.
I wanna keep working on this song and hopefully have something by the next post.
Catch u on the flippity flip