Welcome back to Foolish Thursdays~

What a week it has been! I've been looking forward to writing this week's post since I published the last one, because wow I've been workin'

Last weekend a switch inside me got flicked, I mentioned that in FT1. I was thinking about my efforts to make music since my last album 19/20, I've been eager to put something out for some time, but I just couldn't get into it for some reason. Since the release of my first album a lot has happened. I graduated from university with a Masters' degree, during covid, which obviously took some time and sweat. I've also moved 6 times, worked 6-7 (i cant remember lol) jobs, and had a long-term relationship form and spontaneously combust.

I really like 19/20, but It is a very basic album, I made it in my first year of music production and for the most part I was self-taught. I've been learning a lot since then, and it kinda shows in the single I put out in 2021, but it's been another two years and I'm still going!

The thing is, while I've been pretty quiet this whole time I have been practicing, on and off but quite a lot. I've been making short loops or basic tracks to learn specific things. I've also been taking piano lessons. It's time for me to show what I've learned, it's time for an album!

Other than that, not much has happened to be honest! In fact these might even get more quiet, when I'm working this hard I kinda stop doing other stuff, but I don't wanna share the new music yet because it's just not ready.

I've been pricing up an old-style portable cassette player, I don't really like smart phones so it'd be neat to have something else to listen to music on.

On Friday my piano teacher told me about a synthesizer store in Norwich, which somehow I've missed all these years, so on Monday I went with a buddy from work, there's all kinda of cool stuff there, maybe if my next album goes well I'll finally pick up a rack synth.

Oh! Just one more thing (epic Columbo reference) I realized I had a Minecraft server that I owned and forgot about hahaha! Oops, well if you wanna join it's whitelisted, drop me an E-Mail for the deets, or visit the discord server which you can find on my About page!

Thanks for reading! Ok Bye! Love you!
